
The Plate Fund

With government aid slow for the Service Industry, The (Howard) Schultz Foundation saw an immediate need for a group that was near and dear to their heart—local restaurant workers directly affected by the pandemic. They created a fund for everyone on the front line; from kitchen staff and bussers to servers who’d need assistance faster than the government or restaurants could provide.

The customer is always right.

The customer is always right.

When Mr. Shultz said he wanted a campaign now—he meant NOW. Moving at lightning speed, I was asked to design a logo and campaign in parallel with our strategists envisioning and creating the relationships we’d need to pull it all together. It really was a group effort from start to finish. (more like a sprint, in reality.)

Art imitates life.

Art imitates life.

I designed the logo to mimic a hand-written bill; writing the tagline and creating supporting assets that could continue the story as shorthand icons. We were able to partner with other influential leaders around Seattle to get the word out primarily through a number of physical activations, local partnerships and social media initiatives.

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Dig in.

Dig in.

In just 3 weeks, the campaign helped raise $7.8M—we were able to help 15,600 restaurant workers in King County. Many of whom had little to no financial security blanket or ability to pay for essentials like groceries, medicine and other daily necessities.

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